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HomeMMA NewsAn MMA Fighter In Poland Brutally Knocked Out His Opponent

An MMA Fighter In Poland Brutally Knocked Out His Opponent

An MMA fighter wins a boxing contest but is disqualified after a devastating elbow and ground takedown. How brutal was that takedown that the fighter got disqualified? Continue reading to find out!

At Rocky Boxing Night in Koszalin, Marcin Sianos and Artur Bizewski engaged in a six-round fight.

Sianos, an 8-7 MMA fighter making his boxing debut, took the surprise of his 9-0 opponent halfway through Round 2. Nevertheless, Sianos tied Bizewski up with a double leg and sent him to the ground rather than carrying on with his punches.

To the amazement of bystanders, Sianos then transitioned to full mount and destroyed Bizewski with two enormous elbows.

As the referee removed Sianos from the wounded Bizewski, jeers broke out.

Following the bout, Sianos ran out of the ring and the arena, sprinting through the front entry stage and into the rear dressing room.

Sianos accepted full responsibility and issued an apology on social media shortly after the occurrence. Additionally, he hinted that his boxing debut might have been his last fight.

Sianos expressed his thoughts in Polish, stating, he would like to refer to his fight the previous day.” He extended gratitude to @arturbizonbizewski for the duel, while also offering his deepest apologies for his unsportsmanlike conduct in the ring. He acknowledged the lack of justification for his behavior, deeming it reprehensible and deserving of disqualification. Sianos noted that such behavior had not occurred during any of the sparring matches throughout the rigorous preparation period, emphasizing that they were purely boxing-focused. He admitted his inability to explain his actions, suggesting that he might not continue in the professional boxing ring. However, he asserted that winning by disqualifying one’s opponent wasn’t something to take pride in. He emphasized that he did not consider himself a loser and did not view Artur Bizewski as a winner. Sianos expressed his desire not to be perceived negatively, highlighting his extensive 20-year career without any similar incidents and expressing hope that this one-off occurrence would not tarnish his sportsmanship. He thanked all his loyal supporters for their continued support and acknowledged both positive and negative comments.

Do you think the fighter deserves more punishment than he currently has? Do you feel he did it intentionally or did he just get caught up in the heat of the moment? Do let us know about your thoughts in the comment section!

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